Make Your password Hardest to Hack

5 min readSep 13, 2017


One day, I found a piece of paper in the corner of my drawer. What do you guess on the paper?

Well, there was a long long long list of passwords. Almost all of my accounts and passwords were written down on it. Some of the password I even forgot!

Nowadays, as the Internet life becomes more and more colorful, we have too many passwords to count now! In the meantime, there are many hackers going to hack our passwords!

Then, I am thinking about that what kind of the password is the hardest to hack?

Today, let’s discuss this topic.

But wait, before that, we need to know, how do the hackers hack our net password?

3 Common Ways Hackers Steal Your Passwords

1.Free WiFi

When you connect the free WiFi in the café, hotel, mall, etc. The hackers will set up their computer to act like a routerand you then connect to the router thinking that it is a legitimate free WiFi zone. However, the hacker is intercepting all of the data you are communicating over the network as you are browsing through the internet. They can then easily filter out login credentials such as Facebook, Twitter, Email and Bank Account information and you are left none the wiser.

2.Social Engineering

In the case of cyber security, social engineering is the manipulation of individuals to obtain personal confidential information. Some systems will make you set some security questions when you sign up for the account. Most of the time, if not all, you answer them truthfully.

However, by answering truthfully, it means that hackers can easily gain access to your account if they know this information. This information can be as simple as “What is your girlfriend’s name?”, “Where are you from?” and “When did your graduate from university?”. Hackers can obtain this information by simply going through your social media accounts. You will tell them those answers in your many posts.

3.Phishing Emails

Hackers bait you with legitimate emails or advertisements and if you are not careful, you land on their website and provide them with your confidential details, effectively helping them to hack your account.

Well, it seems like our password are easy to hack.

And, there are some guys still using the worst passwords.

Have you ever use “123456”as your password?

Congratulation! You will soon say “I can’t find my password”!

There was a list of the worst passwords in 2016.

*From an infographic of

What kinds of passwords are the hardest to hack?

This is a question on Quora.

Here share some answers.

Abbas Naderi said:

Unique passwords.

The most common way of breaking passwords, and Password Hashes for that matter, is through password dictionaries. These dictionaries contain a list of passwords, sorted by popularity. After all, it’s much more likely that your password is 123456 rather than SomethingReallyUnique123@#$.

Some techniques combine words in a dictionary to make more complicated passwords. Obviously the longer a password is, the better its chances of being unique. However, many old applications (and some bad new ones) do not support long passwords.

The best piece of advise is to use a password management software, with random passwords for every application you use. Use a generic useless password (123456aB!) for all those applications that force you to create an account, which you don’t really care about.

Oliver Daniells said:

The hardest passwords to crack are those you cannot easily remember. If you cant remember them hackers won’t think of them. Also try to include numbers, letters(upper and lowercase) and symbols.

Mario Díaz said:

The most longest and nmotecnic. For example, you can try:


You can learn more answers here:

In my opinion, there is not the strongest password, there is a necessary to think about how to keep your password safe. Password Security is more important.

How to Create a Strong and Smart Password?

– Avoid using common dictionary password.

– Avoid using common passwords

– Update your password recovery option

– Use a complex password

These are only some suggestions. We need to check if we are keeping the password safe.

4 Steps to check your password

1.Your best password is: a secret word no one can guess.

It’s not your birthday date, not your home address, not your boyfriend’s shoe size, etc.

2.How many characters does it have?

4? That’s not a password, that’s a PIN!

8? It takes under a minute to crack an obscure word like “absinthe.” A word like “piercing” takes less than a couple seconds, capitalized or not.

12? Bingo! Long words are marginally better than short words. It would take almost a year to crack a word like “crackerjacks,” provided no one knows you happen to like crackerjacks.

3.Where do you keep your password?

(1) I write it down!

A ha, It’s easy for others to look. Don’t write it down and put the paper at somewhere anyone can find easily.

(2) I Memorize it!

Well, if your memory is large, you can memorize it. I am only afraid you will forget it sooner or later!

(3) I use password management software.

An excellent plan, but be aware there’s a small danger that the server storing your passwords could be hacked.

4.What other password precautions do you take?

(1) I have a strong password. I don’t need any precautions!

Having a strong password is just one measure of security. Change your password often and use two-step verification offered by websites like Google. And never give someone your password over the phone or via email.

(2) I use two-step verification.

After entering your password, you have to enter a code sent to your cellphone.

(3) I change my password every month or so.

If someone does access your account, they’ll soon be locked out again.

If all the four steps, you make the right selections, your password is safe enough. For now.

Well, hurry up to rip off your password paper and change your online password now! Make your password hardest to hack!




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